17 August 2013

Teacher Week - Friday/Saturday - Tips and Tricks

Well I'm a day late for the last day of the linky party, but better late then never. This week was crazy with set-up and meetings and trainings so I was exhausted yesterday and didn't get a chance to post.  I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for the final day of Teacher Week 2013.  For Friday's Teacher Week, the topic is Tips and Tricks.  Now, many teachers always have a billion tricks up their sleeve, but I'm going to share one of my favorite back to school tips.  See below...

As I mentioned in a few of my blog posts this week, I love labels.  Love might be an understatement.  I actually probably have an unhealthy relationship with labeling lol.  Anyways, labels have been one of the things that help so much with back to school.  For students, I like to have a lit station folder, math station folder, take-home binder/folder, crayons, composition books, handwriting books, etc.  Well, you need to know whose is whose.  So, one thing I do before the kiddos even come with their supplies is make up the labels ahead of time. The reason I do this helps with the first day of school when the kids have all their supplies and are wondering what to do with them. I can hand them their crayon label and they can slap it on their crayons and they are good to go.  I also make a few extra pages of labels with just student names on them. You never know when you'll need to stick names on something and it's nice to have a pile of labels already ready to go.  Now, I know students move in or are added to the class at the last second, but the awesome thing is if you save the labels, you can just quickly add their name and print them one.

Than you for stopping by and a huge thank you to Blog Hoppin' for hosting Teacher Week 2013. What a fun event this was to participate in!

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