13 August 2013

New Classroom - WARNING - Major work in progress

So, I've debated back and forth the last 2 days whether or not to show the journey in setting up a new classroom. As all of you know, you start with a huge mess that looks like a tornado hit and then after a lot of hard work - your beautiful classroom emerges. As I mentioned in my last post, this is a new classroom for me. I've been in my last first grade classroom for 5 years so I had pretty much everything how I wanted it. Now, I'm at a new school in a new state and now in 2nd grade. I'm also in a portable for my first time, so I'm definitely figuring things out as I go and it's definitely a change. But, change can be good...right??

Anyways, since many teachers move classrooms and go through change, I decided to show the progress as I go through setting up my new classroom.  This also is to help myself see that each day it's getting better and starting to look more like a real classroom. Sometimes when you're in the middle of setting up a room - it seems like it'll never get done and never be how you want it - so this blog entry is almost therapeutic for me to see that I have done something the last 2 days and have made some progress.  Bear with me and please know this is a definite work progress and I'm aware I still have a ways to go.

Here are the before pictures - what my room looked like when I first got my keys yesterday -

Now, none of my stuff is in the classroom at this point. And, let me tell you, I have a lot of stuff.  As my boyfriend said when moving me into the classroom, I have more teaching things then he has life possessions lol.  I bet I'm not the only teacher in that boat :-).  Now, this stuff on the table to my surprise isn't mine. This used to be the book room and didn't totally get cleared out yet.
 Day #1  Progress
On Day 1, I got my classroom library taken out of boxes and re-organized. This one was an important one to start with because it helped me get rid of a lot of boxes and be able to actually see some of the classroom floor.

I also got my teacher books organized and put into one of the metal cabinets. This books are organized by teaching use - Mental Images, Back to School, Math, Behavior, etc.
 Day #2
When I walked in on Day 2, I saw desks. I've had tables the last few years for students to use, but this year I'll have desks. Those tables in the picture have since been moved out of the room so I'll definitely have room to set-up the desk area in groups. Yikes- look at all those boxes to go through still....

Another picture of the beginning of Day 2, boy do I have a lot of teaching stuff.

Teacher Area - Now, I did get rid of my teacher desk at my old school, but tables are very limited at my new school and I have to have the computer area here for the Smart Board, so the teacher desk is staying even though I'm not a fan of them.  I also have a printer in my room, which is awesome - easy access to printing! 

End of Day 2 - Cabinet - Here I have all of the teaching books you saw in Day 1 pictures and also extra math manipulatives.

In my second cabinet, I'm putting my extra supplies. I have them all organized in their own tubs and labeled - I love my labeling and organization!

So, by the end of day 2, I moved the reading area over just a bit as you can see in this picture. In the main bookshelf in the middle, I have my math manipulatives for the students to use. The bins on both sides of the bookshelf are for Math Stations.

As I mentioned in the picture above, I moved my reading area over to the other wall. It seemed like a better use of the space for now...we'll see - I'm notorious for changing my mind and moving things around a billion times until I find the "just right" spot.

So there you have it - after about 10 hours of work in my new classroom - here's where I'm at. I still have a LONG ways to go, but it's a start. Thanks for taking a peek at my progress and stay tuned for more pictures as I go. I won't be getting back into my room until Friday because of New Teacher Training during the next two days at the Venetian.  I'm not excited for information overload, but it is pretty cool that we get to be trained at the Venetian - much better than a board room in a district office :-). Have a great night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That looks like a lot of work! Great job getting it organized so quickly.
