10 July 2013

10 Pin Linky Party - Social Studies and Science Ideas

I've linked up with Ashley Reed over at Just Reed and joined in on her 10 Pin Linky Party. Check out her site for more info. 

Below are my Ten Favorite Science and Social Studies Pinterest Pins:
1. I love The Cloud Book as a way to talk about different clouds and Fun in First Grade has wonderful activities and ideas for teaching weather.
2. Rain Experiment - using a clear cup, water, shaving cream, and food coloring. First, fill the cup with water and put shaving cream on the top. Then, squirt some drops of food coloring in and see how it moves through the cloud and as it gets heavier it looks like rain.
3. Love this flip book to show the phases of the moon.
4. Love the science book lists on this site. Great way to tie in informational text with science experiments and lessons.
5. Science Notebook - Love that kids can record thoughts and predictions while working on experiments.
6. Cute social studies book to talk about geography and the United States.
7.  I use this page every President's Day. I love seeing the different answers the kiddos give for what they would do if they were President of the United States.

8. Cute voting activities at this site. Great books and activities to introduce and explain Election Day.
9. Constitution Day Lessons at kid level.
10. Me on the Map - I love using this book to introduce maps and Clutter-Free Classroom has great ideas and activities that go with the book.
 Hope you enjoy these links and great ideas from Pinterest!


  1. I am so glad I found your blog. I too will be teaching second grade for the first time this year. I have taught third and fourth grade for the past 7 years. Maybe can help each other prepare for the new school year.
    The Traveling Teacher

    1. Hi Lauren,
      Thank you for your comment. I would love to share ideas since we're both new to the grade level. I'm going to check out your blog and follow you too!

