02 June 2013

I'm back!

Hi everyone!
As I mentioned in my last blog post, I have some big changes coming this summer.  I will be moving to Las Vegas and will also be moving grade levels.  After teaching first grade for five years, next year I'll be moving on up to second grade (and will need to rename my blog).  I'm finally out of my classroom and cleaning that out was quite a project.  I'm not sure how I collected that many things, but boy do I have a lot of school stuff.  And now that I'm avoiding packing up my apartment, I've decided to do a few blog updates.  Blog updating is way more fun than cleaning and packing more.  Anyways, I'm hoping to update a few times this summer and hoping to also have some great second grade ideas to be sharing next year. Thank you for your patience with me! I'm excited for this next step in the journey and excited for the busy, crazy summer I have ahead of me!  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!

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