18 November 2012

Day #2 - Non-Fiction Text Features - Photographs

Sorry for the delay in posting.  Things have been crazy busy at school and home

After the first day introducing non-fiction books and giving kids a chance to explore, we started learning about text features. The first feature we focused on was photographs.  For each text feature, I found a few examples in about 3-4 different non-fiction books to show the kids. I also found some great non-fiction text feature posters on TeachersPayTeachers that explained the definitions in kid friendly terms and also had another example. After showing examples and discussing what the text feature meant, I gave the kids a chance to look through their book bins and find their own examples. Once they found an example, they put their name on a post-it and marked their page with it.  We had time to pair share so the kids could share the examples of photographs that they found with each other.  Then, I showed them how to fill out their Non-Fiction Conventions Notebook.

See examples below....

Here is the Non-Fiction Book with the cover. I used construction paper for the front and back cover and the inside had 7 blank pages with labels already on it so the kids didn't have to write the feature in there.

Here's my example for the photographs page...
Here is a student example. They copied my definition and then they drew their example that they found in their non-fiction book.

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